08 Aug 2023
Press Release
Announcement of the company's financial status and financial asset evaluation adjustments in July 2023

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2023/08/08
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or
  ”subsidiaries”):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:NA
5.Cause of occurrence:The company's financial status and other matters that
have a significant impact on shareholders' equity or securities prices in
July 2023.
6.Countermeasures:Monthly evaluation adjustment
7.Any other matters that need to be specified(the information
 disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 9
 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings
 forth a significant impact on shareholders rights or the price of
 the securities on public companies.):
一.Cash and cash equivalents(thousand NTD):839377
二. Securities holding costs(thousand NTD):4341426
1.Financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss -current
holding costs (thousand NTD):19347
Evaluation adjustment(thousand NTD):7334
2.Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income-non-
current holding costs (thousand NTD):2431637
Evaluation adjustment(thousand NTD):-144379
3.Debt instrument investments measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income-non-current holding costs (thousand NTD):200000
Evaluation adjustment(thousand NTD):1000
4.Investment accounted for using the equity method holding costs
(thousand NTD):1690442
5.Pledge changes:
Pledged stocks as of this month: Holding costs (thousand NTD):437780
Book value(thousand NTD):450279
三.Long-term loan balance(thousand NTD):320000
四.Short-term loan balance(thousand NTD):2080000

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